Saturday, October 14, 2006


So I was driving home from blockbuster with a car load of my sisters friends after they had just rented a butt load of scary movies for their Friday the 13th horrorfest when Christina Aguilera starts singing from my pant pocket. I reach into my pocket, groove to Christina for a moment then flip open my phone. I was excited because I was expecting a call from my friend to arrange evening plans. It was my friend but not the one i was expecting. It was Fucking Phil! From Montreal! To put it plainly, most exciting phone call of my life. Never has anyone called me personally on long distance. Man! Phil said he needed to vent and I said VENT AWAY! Why? Because Phil is AWESOME.

History - We meet in Montreal at the youth hostel. My friends and I were in a very bad mood and where yelling and being mad and the throwing my waterbottle. That is how we meet, Phil asking me how's it going and me yelling in his face then throwing my Nalgene onto the streets of Montreal. What ensued in the next 2 days was a whirlwind friendship consisting of me freaking out at Phil's extensive concertography (he's seen the Libertines 13 times!!), nights on the town, boy bands @ Mcy D's, Bright eyes lyrics assailing the ears of every person on college street and late breakfast for our homeless selves.

To recap - I got a phone call from Montreal. It was from Fucking Phil!. Phil is AWESOME. Life is AWESOME.

p.s watched trainspotting. Ewan Mcgregor is a babe and drugs are bad. Real Bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

11 times...