Sunday, October 01, 2006


This is a very important blog post. Why you ask? Because it is my sister Jocelyn's first time helping contribute to my blogging/interweb nerdiness. Mini tribal!

On to the real reason for this post. In t-minus 51 min. The amazing race 10 will commence. My sister and I are standing by eagerly. Yahoo!

End of blog post.

K-dawg and JoJo (not the 14 yr. old pop singer you moron I don't know or like her. JoJo is a totally sick nickname for my sister Jocelyn)

P.S If you didn't do a mini tribal at the end of the first paragraph, you should (and by should I mean must) go watch "Biodome" with Pauly Shore. Why you ask? You guessed it - because it is totally sly (combination of sick and fly copywrited by Katelyn Mudry at this very moment)

P.S.S JoJo very intelligently informed me that the t in t-minus stands for time, with t being the first letter of time and therefore a very appropriate letter for the time variable commonly used worldwide and in particular in grade 10 pure math. HOLLA. See kids, high school is not for naught.

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