Friday, January 30, 2009

A good link.

HI-larious joke for you - my nose is running hard then Obabma did for office.

a K mudry original. thank you.

also, this blog is amazing and from the greatest girl - miss MOlly Swain ladies and gentlemen!! She is in NZ. I am jealous. My blog is pale in comparision to hers. Seriously, she is getting tanned, I am getting snowed on. I am very, very pale and she is very, very NZ.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To Do list:

Get Married

Have Kids

Thats about it right now. Too much? Not enough? I should probably add something practical to this list.....

Blow my nose
Clean the Sink
Finish season 2 of Curb your enthusiasm.

Ok. Big day. Watch for a Save the Date.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

5 truthful things about yours truly.

1. I rarely eat eggs because they are chicken menstruation and that is gross.
2. I love egg salad sandwiches. Especially without the gluten and thus just the salad bit.
3. I shower only 2 times per week
4. My average Weight Watchers count is 7 points
5. Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion chips remind me of junior high.

I have been wanting to write a highly academic blog about toast but have yet to get arond to it. I also want to blog about: HumpbackwhalesTorontomusicKarenoNailpolishFreecheese.

Get excited for that shit.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Blog Time

Ok, so, my fans are harping on me and I caved to the pressure. Here it is, a new blog. Doesn't mean it's good or sober or entertaining but now you can STFU (translated, please be quite for a while. My audience is PG.)

I've been reading Microserfs by Douglas Coupland recently (thanks Maggie!). Also, drank 3/4 of a 40 tonight with my girls Mcballs and MK (Maggie Koabel. Far better then MK Olsen, in case you're wondering) and so with the combination of the two, I present a list, or collection, ensemble, potpourri, group, blah blah blahblahblah of my thoughts.

Vodka. YES! Should have done it. Condoms. Work Hard. Oh Balls. MONEY MONEY MONEY. Donald Trump (money). I want to be a millionaire. You Know. I got your (insert NZ accent) Message. Gingivitis. Pap test. Oops. Ow. Good times. Good thing. Maybe later, maybe never. Not never, for real. Real life. Ocean. Ocean Ocean Ocean Tomatoes. Sappy. Mad Love. This is happening. Weekend of, for real. I'll pay. I Love you. Don't worry about it. Seriously, just don't worry about it, it'll all be good. The most. Kick, push Kick push (x2.5) coast. COAST.

Eat a Dick.