Saturday, June 23, 2007

Guitars and Forests

This summer I'm listening to Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. What are you listening to?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Battle of the Brits

Amy Winehouse vs. Lily Allen

Who do you choose? Both are incredibly badass so it's a pretty hard choice for me. Lily is hilarious yet Amy has the pipes to floor you.

Amy Winehouse - He Can Only Hold Her

Lily Allen - Knock 'Em Out

I chose Amy. Meet me in my basement and we can debate.

I also recently got a buttload of new Cd's including Stars "Do you Trust Your Friends" which is excellent. It is basically a bunch of Stars musical amigos and fellow label mates at Arts & Crafts putting their own touches on the Stars album "Set Yourself on Fire". While I totally dig the album, especially The Most Serene Republic's and Jason Collett's additions, I wish this release was a new Stars album. Hopefully they will have some new stuff when I see them play at the Virgin Festival in Toronto. The V fest is shaping up very nicely. Sometimes my heart explodes when I think about it. Then sometimes I get incredibly nervous to be smushed against thousands of people I don't know on my first weekend in the biggest city in Canada.

Enough blab, more tuneskis.
The Most Serene Republic - Ageless Beauty

This is also a plug for The Most Serene Republic
as I adore them.

Goodbye Ian.

Today was my last day at Second Cup. I will miss it.

I had a most Glorious day filled with many good convos with my favorite patrons. Not only did Large Mocca Man remember it was my last day, but Crystal Glass boy came in in his normal clothes. Gosh he is cute. Upon telling him it was my last day, he said he was very sad and would have to come back to see me at three, before my shift ended. The Cougars then came in and gave me a big hug. I tried to give them free drinks but they are honest people and would not accept. We gossed about Crystal Glass and they said Crystal glass boy was mos def in love with me. Three o'clock rolled around and there was not a cute boy in sight. Finally, at 3:17 I am short of breath as my most favorite glass man enters the cafe. Flirting and hilarity ensues as we debate about drinks syrups and the like. After many "you're awesome" "no you're awesome" 's he thanks me for making him delicious coffee. While shaking hands I ask his name. Previously my co-worker and I had asked Large Mocca Man (the big man at Crystal Glass) what his younger comrades name was. He told us is was three letters. Tabulating an extensive list of every three letter name we knew we decided that his name must be Ian or John without the h (thus: Jon). We were wrong. His name is Bob. ugh. He does however introduce himself as Bobby (cute) and I assume his full name is Robert (fairly pleasing). He then takes his blended iced latte with 1 and a 1/4 pumps of chai and departs. I watch him walk the block back to his work through my cafes full length windows and my heart sings. Thus ends the epic romance of Crystal Glass boy and the Dynamic Barista.

For the non-romantics out there who still care about my life - I applied for a credit card today. Hazaa!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Oh no.

Whats so wrong with nature? - Period Suppression

On a better note, I plan to get my own web domain as soon as I figure everything out. If anyone nows exactly how to go about doing that and would like to save me google time, let me know!

Also, my stomach hurts again. In case you were wondering. And no father, I'm not bulimic.

I alsmot bought 40 dollars worth of shirts from Bustedtees but then thought of how many shows I could go to in Toronto come sept. for that amount of money (2) and how many shirts I currently own (over 20). Thus, no Busted Tees for me.

These are the ones I wanted:

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Good stuff, as always.

I am about to watch a French Film instead of working off that brownie and danish and carrot cake I ate today. Why do I do this to myself? I think I secretly want to be 900 pounds. I adore french films and am very excited as it has been a while.

Today was an excellent day at work. I will miss Fucking Cup. No joke. Also, nothing makes me happier then Crystal Glass.

Camp is very very soon. I heart Nature.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Why did it take me so long?

Demon video by Laakso.

Fuck Sweden, you are amazing.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I should get a hair cut more often.

I cut my hair yesterday. Today I went to work and at least 4 people told me my new bangs are cute. There is this one police man who always comes in and orders a Butter Pecan Latte as a BPL to sound more manly. He noticed my hair cut and I told him I did it myself. He then told me how he cut his dogs hair his self and it didn't turn out so good. I asked what kind of dog he had. He has a Labradoodle, which is not a very manly dog to own he informed. I almost dropped his latte I was laughing so hard.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Zak Zak!

Here is some sweet as MuZAK I have been meaning to share for a while

Tokyo Police Club - Be Good RAC remix
This remix basically makes me think about crystals and unicorns and giggles.

Los Campesinos - We Throw Parties Video
I am moving to england to be in this band.

Born Ruffians - This Sentence
Bloggers have been all over Born Ruffians for ages, but I saw their ep at HMV yesterday and felt compelled to keep sharing the love. Quali Quali tea yos.

Lastly and always, Bright Eyes is my heart:

Friday, June 01, 2007

It takes at least 7 drinks to spill.

When I grow up I want to be just like Mike D.

Weekends are epic.

Mad Love? Yes.

I am excited to make children of the forest. (M Swain, read between the lines!)

Never work at Fucking cup.

When you come to Toronto, you can stay with me in my non existent housing, dig?

When I get rich the first thing I am getting is a new intestine and a bladder transplant.

I am going to wear my Beastie Boys shirt everyday of my life.