Friday, September 29, 2006


So my friend and i went out for tea today, and she said she has a mid-term on friday. i don't know when mine are, but i assume they are fast approaching. this is a bad thing. at this moment in to i have done 0 of my homework and 0 of my reading which will probably get me very little above a 0 on my mid-terms, when ever they may be. I'm a little bit stressed right now due to this fact.

on a better note, i think i have kick started my life! things are going good and i am now a member of the University of Calgary Outdoors Club. i am fully sick, in the illest of ways.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I Love my new flickr pro account. go check it out!

Monday, September 25, 2006



My life is still powered by: TOKYO POLICE CLUB

Friday, September 22, 2006


Bad news - kick starting my life is not going so well
More bad news - i am a huge loser with no friends, that is why i chicken out of going to local music events by myself. or mabye that is why i try to go to local music events by myself. What ever happend to stand by your (wo)man! who is standing by me?! NOONE!
Even more bad news - i don't do physical activity anymore. that's a lie. i didn't to any today so i feel bad
The worst news - I want to go out, but no one has called (please see "more bad news") so i must call someone.

Thursday, September 21, 2006



I live and die for Tokyo Police Club.
I want to go back to montreal. For multiple reasons.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I have returned for my holiday to Toronto and Montreal, and while I had a wonderful time and met wonderful people and saw wonderful wonders of the world, I realized that I need to kick start my life. By returning home I am returning to a (somewhat) structured life encompassing school, athletics, the need to care for myself and others, and many opportunities that (with planning) can be taken care of. How will I do this? By sitting on my blog and making a list of course!

1. Go to school, all the time
2. Workout physically immediately after mentally (after school)
3. Clean up my room (not so easy)
4. (as per parents nagging) Go shopping for new shoes/jeans/bras(my choice)
5. Read a book a week (or 2, depending on length)
6. Get all my uni text books. and ID card.
7. Report to training at hour of commencement ALWAYS. NIAOB (no if ands or buts)
8. Eat well - no sugar, yes spinach, yes cooking full meals, no eating only snacks
9. Watch less television (yeah right, i just set up a series recording for scrubs, ANTM stars tomorrow and a plethora of other reality shows start in a matter of days)
10. Accomplish all while maintaining a cheery disposition

There you (and I) have it. 10 (not so) easy points to better my life. Off i go.