Monday, October 09, 2006

Titles are for the WEAK!

My black blog is a little depressing although better then the first black I had which was all black and didn't have little white boxes for my text. What I want most is a totally sly Tokyo Police Club themed blog layout. Approximately 2 secs ago I wanted a Sailormoon layout, but now I def. want a TPC layout. This makes me depressed because that means I will have to use my rusty rusty HTML skills if I want to have a sly blog layout.

Back in the day I was an HTML master. My sister and I had massive plans for the best Sailormoon website ever and it was soo cool but then we couldn't find a place to host it and didn't want to pay for a place to host it so it never happened.

Thanksgiving dinner has given me intense gastoral pains.

My mother thinks i'm a miserable child. I think she is too stressed and afraid of laziness/relaxation.

I think a medium sized alien is about to rip it's way out of my stomach and then devour me from head to toe.

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