Sunday, September 16, 2007

Original College Humor.

Fact: "The Handbook to Print Media" is one of the best/most hilarious 200 dollar, 50 lbs, textbooks you will ever read.

The opening phrase talks about how Time Magazine voted Johannes Gutenberg's work with movable type and printing the most important event of the Millennium. Y2K? Secret code for bigass party at the printing plant for Gutenberg. Robbie Williams song "Millennium"? Yeah, it's actually about how Gutenberg is Robbie's hero. He is mos def the shit (he as in Gutenberg, not Robbie. Robbie's still pretty good though). As is my program and invariably me. Time Magazine and my textbook told me so. So enjoy what ever program you are studying at univeristy. Just know you aren't the shit. Don't cry though, not everyone can be associated with the event of the Millenium. You know me, so that's still pretty good.

University life is great. The other day I watched as a girl vomited all over her shoes. and carpet. It was awesome. Also, our bathroom celieng was leaking. Maintenance turened off the toilet upstairs and told us they would fix it. They did a great job.

Our light is also falling apart. Did I tell you there is highlighter all over the living room walls? No? Well there is. Fabulous!

Did you know: 92% of the Canadian Population lives within 15 minutes of a Canadian tire.

Is Canadian tire your parents favorite store? Probably, because over 40% of Canadian adults shop there every week.
And that's what I learned in my school! Yeah yeah!

p.s They fixed the hole in the ceiling. Now it just smells like paint all the time.

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