Sunday, October 14, 2007

Instead of studying for my midterm... (MUSIC!)

I bought a lot of new CD's over the long weekend. They are fabulous. Also, I have friends you live ina sweet house and hour and a half away by transit so I have ample time to really listen to not only my new CD's but just lots of good music in general. Here are three of my top top picks as of late:

Black Francis - Angels come to comfort you
From his kick ass new album "Bluefinger". Black Francis (and the Pixies) is basically the foundation of my love for music/how I learned to play guitar. This man is a legend.

Two Gallants - Miss Meri
I forgot where I heard about this band but when I saw thier album in Megatunes I knew that I had to buy it. Good life choice.

Stars - Window Bird
While "In Our Bedroom After the War" disappointed many upon it's release (really though, what can compare to "Set Your Self on Fire"?) it is growing on me. Many songs, while less epic then those on SYSOF, are very poignant and beautiful. This is my current fav. I am seeing them in November and am real excited.

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