Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Microsurfers unite

Windows 7 is coming out tomorrow. How thrilling. If I used a PC.

At Thanksgiving the Pops and I had a great conversation about Mac vs PC. He uses both for work and I was a PC geek up until a couple of years ago so it was a very even weighted and slightly nostalgic discussion. I now have the worlds most resilient mac book (3 years running and still kicking despite being stolen, spilled on, drunk on vodka, missing screws, 1 crashed hard drive and being prone to jumping of 10 ft high loft beds) and love it to bits, even if the staff at the Mac store don't love it as much as I do (continue reading for details). I do however wish I could get as stoked on Windows 7 as I would have in my pre-Mac youth. With Apples constant release of large felines meowing to be installed on my MacBook, I have become rather desensitized to the Apple home page. Sweet! version os X Ocelot! iPod touch 2nd generation just had a grand kid! While Mac is constantly putting out new products and upgrades I'm pretty sure Windows spent all the time inbetween Vista and 7 devoted to customer service and actually telling poor little university students why their hard drive crashed 1 day before their major reserach project and how they can get those missing scews back into thier largest piece of net worth. Good luck Bill with operation 7. May the debate continue.


Anonymous said...

Iz thiz an OS debate or a hardware debate? If the later, windoze ain't done got a thang to do with that. FUck you William Gaytes

Unknown said...

Yay computers!!!

Compute on, amiga! And remember Molly's failsafe (and only) computer repair tip: if it starts going crazy, unplug it!