Thursday, September 17, 2009

Red Alert: lost wallet

This is a message for all those googlers out there. In particular, the one who potentially found my wallet and googled my name and was brought to this blog post about how I lost my wallet today on the Ryerson campus. If you, my new and favorite reader, have indeed found it please email me at While there is some great stuff in there, like my alberta health card and all primary ids, I doubt anyone but me would really like a picture from christmas 1995 of Molly, Jake and Daisy, cute as they are.

yep, just hit me with and email, your welcome to the 5 cents of change in there. Thanks to you, and google and the internet for hopefully returning my wallet to me.


Unknown said...

Good luck!!!!

FrogLegs said...

Your wallet was delicious!

limp nodes said...

nom nom nom

Anonymous said...

if that picture of the swain children gets out, everyone will know how good looking they were from birth and that only genetics can bless one with bone structure of the gods