Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chili Fire

So my job this year is at a Japanese Ramen House. I like it a lot and feel like my life is similar to Brittney Murphy in "The Ramen Girl" even though I have yet to see it (Thanksgiving weekend, it's a date). I make noodles and cut shrimp and stir fry like mad. Yesterday how ever, I apparently decided to stirfry extra mad. You know how when you're flipping the pan to mix the veggies (like so), well yesterday it turned a little more into a flaming ball of fire in the pan instead of veggies. Me, in my cool collect way, let out a little "WOW!" then tactfully brought the pan up to blow out the flames. All was well afterwords, except for my eyelashes and eyebrows. I burnt them. My eyelashes have split ends. My life as I know it is over. I'll be crawled up in a hole in the floor if you need me.

1 comment:

finger pants said...
