Monday, December 04, 2006

Man Mar and Jocelyn the boy.

So I'm doing the whole "good/smart big sister role" and helping my idiot of a sister with her grade 10 French book which is actually a book I read in grade 8 French class cause I'm smart. We come across a character named Jocelyn LeGrand and I say "write this down! It is an important event! Jeanne, the fille du roy, is taking care of a little girl named Jocelyn, just like you!". "Jocelyn is actually a boy's name in French" she replies. This is hilarious so I drop the book and laugh and yell "I need to blog this". Now, the entire population of people who read my blog know that my sister is actually a French boy, just like her friend Marion dubbed Mar Mar who is actually dubbed Man Mar because Marion is also a French boys name. Contrary to popular belief, Maid Marion is actually Man Marion. Sorry Robin Hood, you've been duped.

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