Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I hate fake glasses. Straight up. You wanted fucked up eyes bitches? Really? You want your eyes to slowly deteriorate as you grow older so that you will eventually be not be able to see when you get out of bed in the morning? How fucked up of you.

I have real glasses for my (not so) slowly deteriorating eye sight. Wait, no, some asshole of a bitch face took them. Or I am really good at hiding them while drunk. But they are my essence. Why would I hide them? Give them back you jealous prick. You probably don't even need them.

Thanks for the replacements Dan. You got heart, boi. Unlike all those thieves out there. Yeah, and I want my shoes back too.

I ate mac and cheese last night which is probably the cause of my meaner then usual blogging style. Never again. For realZ.

(This will be really embarrassing if my items turn up in some random corner at the Fletcherdome.)

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