Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So Sas. So Sas what? So SasQUATCH!

So this one time I went to the Sasquatch Festival. Basically, my heart exploded. Aside from my incredibly badass burn everything was perfect. It didn't even matter that we forgot our tent or that we went the wrong way 20 minutes in to the trip because it was the sweetest trip of all time.

I took some photos. You can see them here.

I also took some videos. They are like, pretty good quality, but I am having trouble uploading that quality to the interweb. For some lower quality videos you can hit up my vimeo. For higher quality videos you can come to my house and we can kick my father off the computer to bask in the Glory of bands such as The Blow, The Arcade fire and Tokyo Police club.

Rock Think Create.

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