Monday, May 15, 2006

saw the Strokes last night and it was, to put it lightley, INCREDIBLE! you know one of those perfect moments, that you never thought would ever happen to you, and then it does, well that is what all of last night was. i was 3 feet from touching julien casablancas. if only his mic cord was longer! anyways, probably my favorite parts of the show were vision division, last nite, hard to explain, is this it and take it our leave it. oh yeah, also new yokr city cops. as you can tell Is This It? is one of my most favorite albums ever. Another reason why this show was amazing was because Jlien said that we pretty much made thier canadian tour, and were the best crwod they'd played to in all of canada. while i know people say that all the time, i definitley think he was scincere as all the members of the band looked slightly shocked when they came on for the encore as we were going crazy. anyways, this brings me to the real reason for my post - TOP CONCERTS/LIVE ACTS I have been to.

1. The Cribs
2. The Strokes
3. The Lovely Feathers
4. Hot Hot Heat with louis XIV and the Futureheads
5. Metric 04/04/06

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