Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Butt What.

So the other day at the gym, there was a bunch of hot bitches and my competitive edge over took me and I started to secretly gym battle them. They didn't know, but I did like, a million more lunges then they did. So they can take there skinny asses home and think about that. I however took my extremely sore, over lunged buns to West Scarborough the next day. I had to meet up for a school project and have no funds for transit so I just biked there. No big deal, I biked to Etobikoe one Saturday and Scarborough is even closer. But not close. It's still a fair ways away. Here is a map of my 1h20 min round trip.

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My leg muscles are having a hard time keeping me upright today. Tomorrow - stair sets at Casa Loma. But that's for an other post.

1 comment:

Rosanna said...

how'd you get so H core?! Maybe it was all those years doing sweet sweet biathlon!