Monday, October 01, 2007

Blankets, beds, and Beirut!

Yesterday I slept for the whole day. I was up for 2 hours to eat and talk about mountains with the glorious Ellorie Mcknight but then went back to bed till 8 pm. Granted, I was up till 5:30 the night before because of Nuite Blanche (which was sweet). I slept for three hours after my morning class today. I think I am chronically sleep deprived.

I am going to see Beirut tomorrow. I am thrilled. Concerts rule. I am still living off my Bloc Party high. And wearing my Bloc Party shirt. I must go find a piano ASAP.

For those concerned with my academic career - I just finished two classes worth of reading. Brap! Only 3 more to go. and review. and midterms. and a project. But still, better then I was an hour ago.

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