My wisdom teeth experience is not as pleasant as it first seemed. I started going down hill when I took 4 T3's in 5 hours. I then called my father who was like "you have overdosed" which explained my extreme dizziness, uncontrollable shaking and intense feeling that I was going to vomit. I lied down and tried to sleep it off, which worked pretty good until I tried to sit up, then it all came rushing back. Luckily my AMAZING friends Renee and Ellorie came over to see how I was doing. This proved to be extremely helpful as my parents, who said they would be home at around 5:30, 6:30 at the latest, didn't get home till 8:30 (they did have a valid excuse, but still). Anyways, my recommendations for getting your wisdom teeth are
1. Don't take to much tylenol
2. Make sure your parents are trustworthy
3. Have awesome friends
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