Friday, November 23, 2007

A Kickass Friday. For Realz

I play

Level: 11
Lines: 102
Points: 30,395

And I'm listening to Fall Out Boy.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I have a final tomorrow. AWESOME!

Things I am good at:

Procrastinating, but only when procrastinating. This is a researched fact.
Eating copious amounts of food.
Drinking copious amounts of alcohol.
Dressing well, occasionally.
Finding bargins (ok so the dollar bin is not that hidden but still)
Being intolerant to food.
Listening to Salt n' Peppa.
Missing people.

That's about it.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I love you Back.

One time I saw a shirt that said "I love you back" but I didn't have any money to buy it. I might by this one instead:

Or you could get it for me for x-mas. Mens small, ladies and gents.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nostalgia sess

I have a lot of clothes. I have lost some of my favorite clothes. I left my best two jackets on the otherside of the country. Bad life choice.

And now for a series of photos that I really like, taken by others, of me.

I'm intolerant.

The Contract

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I should copywrite myself.

Guess what Willamina just said on Ugly Betty. BALLS! Clearly she and I have been hanging out too much.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dear Everyone I've ever laughed with:

I miss you and love you.

I am currently listening to Spirit if... Broken Social Scenes/really Kevin Drew's new album. I am finding it mediocre. Is something wrong with me? No, I've always been this way.

I come home on Dec 14. It will probably be one of the best days of both my life and yours.

Today I found a bike trail to run on and heard a bird. There are not a lot of birds in Toronto. It was a beautiful sound.

The sound of my unwritten essay however is more of a painful groan.

yours truly,
K Mudry

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sometimes I Fall.

Why? Because I am over come with emotion.

Tonight I saw Razorlight. Was it incredible? Yes. Who opened you ask? The fucking Von Bondies. Did I meet them? Of course.

I now own a pick from Carl Dalemo, Razorlights bassist. And a set list. Did Johnny Borell make eye contact and smile at me while playing VICE? YES! Afterwards I waited round but they were sick so just snuk into a car. It's ok though, cause Johnny saw me and waved and I waved back. Incredible.

Did I mention that while I was waiting I met Tokyo Police Clubs tour manager? Yeah, no biggie.

I can barley breath. Oh life, you amaze me.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

This is way I'm Hot.

I have never heard that song.

Regardless, here is a list of my most attractive features:

I wear a retainer.
I am allergic. To everything.
I am often bloated.
I burp louder, better and more frequently than anyone I know.
I want babies. Now.
I am emotionally unavailable.
I pee with the door open. Always.
Alcohol makes me happy and is fairly essential.
I will ditch you for a band any day.
I hate showering.
I don't to laundry.
I make a lot of faces. All which are very attractive.
I have lots of emotions.

My number is posted on my profile. I don't live by a beach, nor ever have and need to get orthodics before I take anymore long walks.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I hate fake glasses. Straight up. You wanted fucked up eyes bitches? Really? You want your eyes to slowly deteriorate as you grow older so that you will eventually be not be able to see when you get out of bed in the morning? How fucked up of you.

I have real glasses for my (not so) slowly deteriorating eye sight. Wait, no, some asshole of a bitch face took them. Or I am really good at hiding them while drunk. But they are my essence. Why would I hide them? Give them back you jealous prick. You probably don't even need them.

Thanks for the replacements Dan. You got heart, boi. Unlike all those thieves out there. Yeah, and I want my shoes back too.

I ate mac and cheese last night which is probably the cause of my meaner then usual blogging style. Never again. For realZ.

(This will be really embarrassing if my items turn up in some random corner at the Fletcherdome.)

Friday, November 02, 2007

Article number two in my highly academic and researched Blog.

Microsoft is buying 1.6 percent of Facebook inc. That is 240 million dollars. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook Inc., is a billionaire. How the hell does he make money? I don't pay Mark anything to go on facebook for 5 hours a day. Kim Hession, a fellow ryerson student and also my western comrade, and I think it comes down to stocks and people buying stocks in Facebook Inc. I don't really get how the stock market works, but wouldn't buying stocks in Facebook Inc. just be like buying stocks in boredom, procrastination, and my inability to get a job?

How to sweat and be awesome.

Go to see Spiral Beach and The Go! Team. It will rock your body and everything around it. No jokes, the floor was shaking.

More photos here.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

HD and the Mae Shi - they just kicked your ass.

Below: A kick ass video.

Fucking watch it.

Run to Your Grave by The Mae Shi on Vimeo.