Sunday, September 30, 2007

Oh! THAT art thing.

Tonight was Nuite Blanche in good old T Dot. It was good. Not as much art as I thought, but enough good times to make up for it. I thought I would be overwhelmed by art from every angle, but I wasn't. That is not to say that I didn't see lots. It's a good thing it is open till dawn otherwise you couldn't see everything. 7:03 pm till dawn is definitely not enough time to appreciate everything. My favorite show/piece was one of pictures of children crying. There is a scene in Closer when Natalie Portman says that art is a big lie. People take pictures of awful things but because it's art it is beautiful. The beauty however is all a lie. The truth behind the picture or painting is extreme pain and heart ache. This gallery was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen in my life, but nothing captivated me more tonight. Life is painful, but beautiful. Often at the same time.

Also, I felt and looked really good tonight.

More from Nuite Blanche (flickrflickrflickr).

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I Saw Bloc Party. It was Beyond.

Dear self,

Remember that one time when you saw BLOC PARTY and it was FUCKING EPIC? Oh yeah! It was tonight! It was incredible. Remeber how your heart exploded then they played Positive Tension. And Uniform, and Helicopter and She's Hearing Voices and every single song ever (almost). Don't forget to tell everyone how your favorite part was when Kele RAN INTO THE CROWD with his microphone and everyone touched him. Those boys you met from Peterbourgh got a hug from him. That was awesome. Life is awesome. Toronto is beautiful and Bloc Party is amazing. As is life.

K Mudry

Monday, September 24, 2007

Simply the Best!

In 2005 125 million tonnes of tomatoes were produced world wide. Why? Cause they are freaking delicious. I could eat them everyday, and nearly always do. Raw, cooked, stewed, in salad, as a salad base (like at the delicious potluck the other night. Holla Lili), in liquid form. I love tomatoes.

Tomato fact: it is both a fruit and a vegetable. It is botanically classified as a fruit and since the term "vegetable" has no botanical merit the tomato is a vegetable by our modern culinary standards. See good old Wiki for more details.

This just in!

I have my own personal web domain! Check it!

I spent 80 dollars on getting photos printed! It was worth it, they are gorgeous.

The new American Apparel ads are scandalous, controversial and attention getting!

What's more, AA is really proud of the fact that they take provocative photography that borders on soft porn. They even have a page dedicated to their scantly clad models which is accessible from their main site. Go here to see!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Economics, bitches

Go google "Canadian dollar" right now. Now, for reals. Stop reading my awesome blog and do it.

Holy shit hey! How would have ever thought this:
1 Canadian dollar = 0.987069 U.S. dollars would be the result.

It reached parity earlier today and is now number one. I was first alerted of this fact while standing in a box on Younge St. with my newly purchased comic books as I waited for a friend to buy Quentin Tarintino's "Death Proof". An old man with a strong European accent walked past me and yelled "Who is number one? We are! We are no longer two! Canada is one, America is two!" I said, BRAP! then thought about how I hate sports fans. It was not until 3 minutes ago that the connection was made, googled and verified.

Here is a news report from the associated press: Parity and Beyond.

Holy Crap Mother Fuckers.

What will be the implications of this sudden gain in Monetary Status? Stay tuned to my highly academic and researched blog to find out.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Laughing: permitted.

I think I am hilarious. You may think I am conceited or annoying or obnoxious, but while you are thinking those things I will be rolling on the floor laughing with myself. It's not even necessary for people to hear my jokes, I still love them. I was about to take a swig of my cough medicine but then starting laughing/coughing at how awesome/badass it would look. I also make excellent faces in the mirror if you ever spend time in the bathroom with me (JoJo, this is were you testify) (look up testify if it is beyond your vocabulary. I know you are not so great with things like languages, ergo your dropping out of french).

We went looking for Edward Norton today or anything remotely cool pertaining to the new version of the Hulk/the Hulk 2 (there is debate on my floor as to which it is). It is being filmed at the end of our street. Hopefully a bus will blow up soon or something.

I just finished 10 dollars worth of chocolate and coconut. It was delicious. I am craving a banana.

I just burnt my finger while lighting a match. I didn't cry though as I am not a huge baby. Babies are disgusting and vile. That is a huge lie. I love them. I wish I had one. Except for when they are really, really little. Then they actually just look like vomit.

lots of love,
your favorite blogger (don't lie, you know it's true).

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Original College Humor.

Fact: "The Handbook to Print Media" is one of the best/most hilarious 200 dollar, 50 lbs, textbooks you will ever read.

The opening phrase talks about how Time Magazine voted Johannes Gutenberg's work with movable type and printing the most important event of the Millennium. Y2K? Secret code for bigass party at the printing plant for Gutenberg. Robbie Williams song "Millennium"? Yeah, it's actually about how Gutenberg is Robbie's hero. He is mos def the shit (he as in Gutenberg, not Robbie. Robbie's still pretty good though). As is my program and invariably me. Time Magazine and my textbook told me so. So enjoy what ever program you are studying at univeristy. Just know you aren't the shit. Don't cry though, not everyone can be associated with the event of the Millenium. You know me, so that's still pretty good.

University life is great. The other day I watched as a girl vomited all over her shoes. and carpet. It was awesome. Also, our bathroom celieng was leaking. Maintenance turened off the toilet upstairs and told us they would fix it. They did a great job.

Our light is also falling apart. Did I tell you there is highlighter all over the living room walls? No? Well there is. Fabulous!

Did you know: 92% of the Canadian Population lives within 15 minutes of a Canadian tire.

Is Canadian tire your parents favorite store? Probably, because over 40% of Canadian adults shop there every week.
And that's what I learned in my school! Yeah yeah!

p.s They fixed the hole in the ceiling. Now it just smells like paint all the time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Oh gosh.

This morning as I flung my towel around me post shower, I knocked the toilet paper into the the toilet. I giggled all morning.

My room is a full disaster and I love it.

This is Kate Nash:

I love her.

After seeing "A thousand years of good prayers" by Wayne Wang at the Toronto international FIlm Fest with the tantalizing Hannah Bruce, I realized I am in dire need of a video Blog. The opening scene of that film was beautiful beyond.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's a Wednsday Bitches!

Good news, I went to class today! I even signed up for my elective! It is a Music course of some sort. Also, if you were wondering wether I could make a bitchin coconut rice curry with tofu and crasins the answer is "Hell Yes". Just in case you are me finding me and my life so amazing that you want to kill your self because you are far to inadequate at life compared to me, here is a bad fact about my day: I lost my Nalg. Fear not, it is not the one that Jenny Lines sent back to me at camp after she took it home by accident, I already lost that one on 17th, it was "new" Nalg that i stole from the lost and found bin. I believe it is in the business building where my last class was but it is freaking far away (comparatively). I would like to take this opportunity to talk about how rich my school is. It's freaking rich. Clearly all the money I am paying for Res is not going to removing highlighter drawings from our movie corner or putting the sofa cushions back together. It is instead going to the dual screen overhead system with sound and universal light control. I bought a really nice calendar today with pictures of children enjoying life. I can't use it until Jan. Balls. Now I will just have to post my 8 new concert tickets on chronological order on my wall so as to remember where and when I have to go and see amazing music. Oh Big city life!

Heart heart heart.

Lastly, this just in: My 80 gb iPod is the iPod of yester-year. I am a total loser because I own it and not the NEW iPod Touch!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Fuck off Ryerson! I paid buttloads of money to come here, left my most beloveds behind, and you wont even let me log into your stupid computer system! How the hell am I supposed to get an education when I don't have a class schedule? Is this what you call higher education? I think you are flawed and awful. Good thing the City you are situated in is so great. I love you Toronto. Thank you for being large and cosmopolitan and varied. I also really dig your music scene.

Here is a fabulous quote:

"I see them as a series of annoyances and inadequacies"
- Simon Birchell on Children

To think that man was a Camp Counsellor. I seriously doubt he was ever a Super Counsellor with that kind of thinking.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Calgary, TPC and Glory.

Calgary, you are my darling and I will miss you. Last night was my last big show in Calgary until christmas. It was perfect. Why? Cause I was with the best peeps, and saw the best bands. Jane Vain is gorgeous and perfect and everything I have ever wanted to be, but in high heels so more attractive. They played with a bunch of other sweet local bands including Lions and Tigers and Bears. LTB's have come a long way since I first saw them play in an abandoned community centre. I will miss all these beautiful local bands and Broken City with all my heart. Argh! My heart is somewhat soothed by the fact that Joshua Hook and I live in the same hood, the east side, or at least that is what he told me after the show when connected. Tokyo Police Clubs set was great, as always however they didn't play "Graves" which is my fav song. I guess that's what happens when your favorite band expands beyond thier 7 song ep and little punk ass 12 year old get all up in your grill. All in all, best night ever.

For the best Summer time perfection music video, go here - Your English by Tokyo Police Club.