Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And Stomach pain.

Things that make this awfulness that is my empty bedroom better:

Be Your Own Pet
My Macbook Pro
Architecture in Helsinki
Plans for tomorrow
Emily Kane

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The summer - In colour and black&white.

I really like photography and summer and beauty.

I uploaded my good photos from this summer that are not of drunken ass folks.

More Photos

Monday, August 27, 2007

This is the end.

It has been an epic summer. One might say the best summer ever. In fact, one could run to the top of the tallest mountain and scream at the top of thier lungs that this summer ruled and everything else in existence drools over it's beauty. There are little pieces of my heart explosions all over the place, and probably inside you, as life threw grenades of wonder at me everyday. To bad that the city is so ugly and that secret loves notes now require stamps and that meal times consist of meat, dairy and gluten instead of a million smiling faces.